Spring Fiesta

The annual Spring Fiesta is set to take place in Ekurhuleni on Saturday October 7.

With over a decade in the making, this iconic day and night destination music experience is a celebration of all things local ,music, culture and togetherness.

The festival showcases top-tier South African talent with a diverse range of artists and DJ's across different music genres including House, Hip hop, Piano, Deep House and AfroTech, all performing live across the 6 themed stages.

Attendees have the opportunity to watch performances from six different stages including the main stage,hip-hop stage,soul candy stage and more.

The artist line-up includes big local artists such as Uncle Waffles,Areece,Harrison Crump,DBN Gogo and more

Date: 7 October 2023

Time: 12pm-12am

Price: General R250-R450 | VIP R450-R1500

Venue address: Wild Waters Complex, 1 Margaret Lane, Bardene, Boksburg

View map

Wheelchair accessibility: Unknown

Website: https://soulcandi.howler.co.za/events/spring-fiesta-2023-b77d/tickets?fbclid=IwAR2KLsbo9tHXkrsE7ZR1qMsPQbbUYyPBu7XdAhLol0q-_33lZakKflTmWak

Email: info@springfiesta.co.za

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/springfiestaparty/

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/springfiestaparty/