Kruger Museum


Kruger MuseumThe Kruger Museum and its contents consists of the original house and belongings of Paul Kruger, who was elected as president of of the Zuid-Afrikaansche Republiek (ZAR) in the late 19th century, as well as two display halls and Kruger’s State Railway Coach. Kruger occupied the house until 29 May 1900 when his Government was forced to flee Pretoria before advancing British forces.

Venue: 60 WF Nkomo St, Pretoria
Time: Mon to Fri 8.30pm to 4.3pm | Sat, Sun & Public Holidays 9am to 4.30pm
Cost: R50 tourists | R40 adults | R25 pensioners & students | R15 children U18

Tel: 012 000 0010

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